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第42期 美國專利申請過程-審查意見通知函(Office Action)案例分析-電腦軟體方法與系統類US6947941

TSipo戰國策 王維位 發表 2009/12/10


TSipo戰國策整理 2009/12



2004/01/06 Non-Final Rejection



審查委員指出”product registration database”有在申請的獨立項9、15中出現



2.取消獨立項9、15中,”product registration database”此技術特徵

此時申請人申請的claim 9、15如下:

9. An information processing system having a product registration database containing information on purchased products and return criteria for purchased products, the information processing system storing said information by product serial number according to a serial number mask that characterizes a format of the serial number, wherein the serial number mask includes at least a first character that describes variables of the serial number format.

15. A method of reducing improper returns of consumer products, the method comprising: receiving serial number formats of the consumer products; defining serial number masks that characterize the serial number formats, respectively; providing the serial number masks with at least a first character that describes variables of the serial number format ; and storing a product registration program that effects storing and maintenance of a product registration database at a time of product purchase in accordance with the serial number masks.

審查委員依據35 USC 112條文提出核駁

審查委員指出Claim 1 是模糊不清的,無法區別請求項之前言(preamble)和主體(body),並且,亦無清楚指出此方法method是如何執行

而Claims 2-8是依附在claim 1,故核駁理由相同

此時申請人申請的Claim 1如下:

1. A method of generically defining attributes of a serial number format, the method comprising defining a serial number mask that characterizes the serial number format, and providing the serial number mask with at least a first character that describes variables of the serial number format.

審查委員依據35 USC 101條文提出核駁

35 U.S.C 101條規定,發明必須符合下列四種標的:




4.Composition of matter物質成份

審查委員指出Claims 1-8 and 14並非為35 U.S.C 101法令之標的,並非機器或製造品,也非方法步驟能實踐,或能藉由電腦執行,審查委員認為Claims 1-8 and 14是無效力的

審查委員依據35 USC 102條文提出核駁

審查委員引用US5978774作為前案,來指出Claims 9-13 and 15 無新穎性,即前案已揭露Claims 9-13 and 15所有的技術特徵

2004/04/06 申請人針對Non-Final Rejection進行答辯

申請人修改Claims:僅取消第14項,來回應審查委員所提的Claim 14違反35 USC 101法條,其餘claims 1-13 and 15-22則是請求更進一步的審查


申請人認為,審查委員所指的”product registration database”已出現在圖2(上圖紅圈處)中,該圖示為典型代表為資料庫圖示,所以並非不符合 37 CFR 1.83(a)之規定,恭請審查委員再考慮並收回此核駁

針對審查委員所提的35 USC 112部份進行答辯

申請人認為claim 1 藉由”the method comprising”可區分出preamble和body的部份,並且亦有描述執行步驟,申請人認為並無違反35 USC 112之規定,恭請審查委員再考慮並收回此核駁

申請人申請的claim 1:

1. A method of generically defining attributes of a serial number format, the method comprisingdefining a serial number mask that characterizes the serial number format, and providing the serial number mask with at least a first character that describes variables of the serial number format.



針對審查委員所提的35 USC 101部份進行答辯

申請人以claims 1-8為method claims為由,並非machine或manufacture,而且該方法雖然藉由電腦實施較佳,但電腦並非為必要,所以申請人認為並非不符合USC 101,恭請審查委員再考慮並收回此核駁

針對審查委員所提的35 USC 102部份進行答辯

申請人認為該前案US5978774並未揭露”serial number mask”此技術特徵,因此請審查委員取消該核駁

2005/01/05 Final Rejection

審查委員提出與Non-Final Rejection相同的核駁理由來提出Final Rejection,並認為申請人的答辯無說服力,而針對35 USC 102無新穎性部份,更是提出了"The check digit section is a part of the serial number mask"的見解,並且明確的指出位於前案US5978774之位置


  1. 圖示Drawings (以違反37 CFR1.83(a)為由)

  2. Claims 1-8 (以違反35 USC 101為由)

  3. Claims 9-13 and 15 (以違反35 USC 102為由)

2005/04/05 申請人針對Final Rejection進行答辯



2005/05/02 核准該發明



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